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Ates Kuslari – Episode 36

Ates Kuslari - Most street children do not reach the age of twenty. It cannot be said that those who saw it lived. Drugs, violence, sexual harassment, hunger and much more... The fate of street children is either prison or grave. Five of these children manage to resist this fate. Calling themselves "Firebirds" the oldest of which is 13, the youngest is 6 years old, one girl and one autistic, five street children who find a forty-day-old baby in a garbage dump and tell how they turned from "Rootless" to "Firebirds"; will cover the stories of children resisting hardship, pain and fate against all odds. This is, Ates Kuslari (Firebirds).

Serial: Ates Kuslari

Title in English: Firebirds

Genre: Drama

Actors: , , , , ,


Duration: 112 minute

Quality: FULL HD



Statusi: Active